Marijuana Resources
SEED prides itself in presenting fact-based materials from its extensive collection of articles, research papers, and medical and scientific journals. Here are some marijuana resources that you might find interesting, thought provoking, and insightful.
Our View: Let’s keep a close eye on Maine’s retail ‘green rush’, an editorial published by the Portland Press Herald on September 29, 2022
Young people should understand risks of high-potency marijuana, an editorial published by the Portland Press Herald on February 11, 2023
We can’t brush off youth cannabis use, published by the Portland Press Herald on February 1, 2023
Cannabis and the Violent Crime Surge, published by the Wall Street Journal on June 6, 2022
Is Pot Really Safe? Tales From the ER., published by the American Council on Science and Health on May 26, 2022
Linked Files Show How a Putin Ally Bankrolled the US Weed Industry, published by VICE World News on February 16, 2023
Peer-reviewed Studies
Negative Impacts of High Potency THC on Community & Victim Safety: This is not “Medicine” by Dr Libby Stuyt, Addiction Psychiatrist. This is a presentation for the 2022 Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management Conference, held in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Cannabis Markets and Associated Outcomes – Survey Findings and Implications, prepared for the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy and published by AHP, Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
Cannabis and psychosis: triangulating the evidence, published by The Lancet Psychiatry, a peer-reviewed scientific journal
The Problem with the Current High Potency THC Marijuana from the Perspective of an Addiction Psychiatrist, published by the National Institute of Health
Cannabis as a Gateway Drug for Opioid Use Disorder, published by the National Institute of Health
Drug Abuse Statistics, published by the National Center for Drug Use Statistics, features the most noteworthy drug abuse data, including overdose deaths, demographics, mental health, drug abuse treatment programs, and the cost of the War on Drugs
Association between Cannabis Use Disorder and Self‐ and Other‐Directed Aggression, published by The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Marijuana is More Dangerous Than You Think, published by the National Institute of Health
Is Marijuana Addictive? A cannabis research report, published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Is there a link between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders? A cannabis research report, published by the National Institute on Drug
Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term cannabis use, by Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
Doctors Educating on Marijuana, published by the International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis, an organization of international experts on cannabis who are guided by medicine and science to provide accurate and honest information that guides decision-making.