About SEED
JUST IMAGINE . . . what Maine would be like if, over the next 10 years, teen chemical use rates declined from 25% to 12%, given that 90% of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) occurs in people who began with teen use.
SEED, Students Empowered to End Dependence (or Dependency), became an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in October 2022.
Its Mission is to dramatically reduce substance use among Maine students by engaging them in compelling learning opportunities and messaging campaigns.
Students Empowered to End Dependency is committed to building a statewide multi-network marketing campaign, powered by the engagement of community youth and adults, and designed to counter culturally pervasive marketing that celebrates mind altering chemicals. How?
- Provide SUD Day Presentations for students throughout Maine
- Create Voices of Hope videos featuring groups at risk for substance use disorder
- Incorporate Voices of Hope messaging in middle/high school health curriculums
SEED’s mission is bold but it is supported by a diverse Board of Directors, a dedicated group of young people who are willing to share their stories of addiction and recovery, organizational partners, and corporate and individual sponsors who help provide the funding for this important work.